Dorothy Hall
I began searching for safe natural options years ago. Out of sheer desperation, I was on a mission to find a safe, simple, and effective "natural" solution for my 7 year old daughter. And find it we did!!! We sought out the help of a licensed, naturopathic doctor and our lives were forever changed.
So, years later, when I discovered Young Living, it was such a natural fit for us and offered so much. More than I ever imagined.
I've been using Young Living essential oils and products since 2007. They offer me convenient solutions, safe products- free of dangerous harsh chemicals, energy, vibrance, radiant skin and health, and a community of like minded people who are empowered to make changes. Their products are so effective it makes it oh so easy to share with others who are also searching for the same things.
I’m always ready to grab hands with others who are also pursuing physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health. So come and let me introduce to the Young Living lifestyle and help you find YOUR answers!